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Q&A: Funny breakup experiences

One of the ways I keep myself entertained these days is by asking people random questions.

DIY: How to relax your hair

I started relaxing my hair by myself 10 years ago. My first experience was unpleasant, I ended up

Things I wish I understood before getting married

A recent discussion with my friend about marriage inspired me to write

Hibiscus tea recipe (Zobo drink)

Hibiscus tea is a herbal tea made of the dried roselle flower (a species of hibiscus). It

Reminder: Let it go

This period, 

Game: #10-year challenge

                                                                                                  (2010 & 2020) Towards the end of 2019, there was a viral challenge that got almost everyone

My Nighttime Routine

I’m sure the first thing you think of when you hear ladies say ‘routine’ is morning and