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Showing posts from June 29, 2016

Cornrows, braids and twists hair do specially for you.

Hey lovelies, this post has pretty braids (French and Dutch), twist and cornrow styles. I selected the

Flawless hair and makeup

How to look flawless in this beautiful hair do and makeup. More pictures below

Check out Kate Middletonā€™s $17 Secret For Flawless Hair

Kate Middletonā€™s hair is always on point. It doesnā€™t matter if sheā€™s  volunteering at a homeless shelter  or  partying with the queen , her brunette locks are perfection. Her long-time hairstylist Richard Ward shared all of his secrets with  People magazine , so that you can score her royal blowout at home. And the best part is that the product he uses wonā€™t break the bank. Middleton has been a faithful client of Wardā€™s for around 10 years. Even though sheā€™s now the

Ladies, can you rock these styles?

Honestly, these hairstyles will be great for themed parties or stuff like that but i wont advice anyone to uhm.... rock styles like these.... well, except you don't care about what people gon say. But you