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Showing posts from March 19, 2016

Kim Kardashian Debuts New Hair

In the ultimate #flashbackfriday move, Kim Kardashian is bringing back ombrĆ© hair.  In a late-night Snapchat post, the mother of two debuted light-blond, dip-dyed brunette strands along with a fresh new length. "Midnight haircut," she captioned the post, which features celebrity hairstylist  CĆ©sar Ramirez  in action. Judging from her snaps, it seems that Kim is more

Woman Pulling a Double Decker Bus With Her Hair Must Be an IRL Mortal Kombat Character

wow!!  Asha Rani is known as ā€œThe Iron Queenā€ because of the amazing feats of strength sheā€™s attempted using her teeth, ears, and eye sockets. Four Guinness records wasnā€™t enough to slake her thirst for outlandish showmanship.

Losing hair? Avocado is the secret remedy

i have a thing for natural ways to treat hair lose and i am sure so many people are like that too. this information on how to use avocado to make that happen will be very useful for you :) Avocado has potassium, amino acids and proteins that make it one of the healthiest fruits. The best way to