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Showing posts from September 12, 2016

Look ravishing in Ariella's simple hair do and fashion

 After going through her pictures on instagram, I must say. I am very impressed by how ravishing this fashion and lifestyle blogger looks in her simple hair do and beautiful fashion. She is delighted to

Watch out for these hair trends coming your way!

These different hair trend are so beautiful! More pictures below

Jessica Alba Gives Deserving Woman a Hair Transformation

From etonline Jessica Alba can now add hairdresser to her lengthy resume!The 35-year-old actress and Honest Company co-founder stopped by  Rachael Ray , where she gave one deserving woman a Jessica Alba-approved makeover.

How to flaunt your red hair

According to Wikipedia,  Red hair  occurs naturally in 1ā€“2% of the  human population . It occurs more frequently (2ā€“6%) in people of northern or western European ancestry, and less frequently in other