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Showing posts from March 22, 2016

Scotty Says: 5 Quick First-Date Hair Hacks

Often, first dates fall on workweek nights, and that means you're most likely crunched for time when it comes to getting ready. You have under an hour to turn your day hair into something night-appropriateā€¦ Scotty Cunha  to the

Styles for bob braids

so many ladies don't consider going for bob braids because they feel they wont be able to style it, i used to feel that same way before but this post will change the way you feel about box braids. thing

Texas woman's face swells after allergic reaction to hair dye

my dear ladies, i know i always say 'switch your styles and change your hair colour' but please be careful :) A Texas woman shared photos of her extreme allergic reaction to hair dye after having her hair colored in mid-March. In the photos, the womanā€™s eyes are completely swollen shut and her face is unnaturally puffy. 

Hairstyles for your ankara

The new trend in the 'ankara world' is wearing it without the scarf which still makes it absolutely lovely only if you have the right hairstyle. go through the pictures below to see how different