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Hibiscus tea recipe (Zobo drink)

Hibiscus tea is a herbal tea made of the dried roselle flower (a species of hibiscus). It
has several benefits, as well as side effects, check it out HERE

I was so excited to drink it again after about three years. Itā€™s popularly known as zobo in Nigeria. I never knew how easy it is to prepare until last week. 


Hibiscus leaves 
Vanilla extract 


Wash the leaves,
Boil it for about 30 minutes, 
Strain the leaves from the liquid when cool,
Stir in the sugar until dissolved,
Add vanilla extract, 
Serve cold.


  1. TrĆØs bonne tisane fait maison vraiment j'en consomme a chaque fois que l'occasion se prĆ©sente
    C'est vraiment a conseiller


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