This question was asked on The Real Daytime and I imagined how it would be if it were
a game. It will be played online with your followers or with friends on any online messaging app, whichever you are comfortable with. The game will involve sharing a list of things you are good at but hate doing and the people you share it with will either agree or disagree. Another way will be for the first player to write some of the things someone (in the group) is good at but hates doing then other players guess who the person being described is, simple!
Being good at something doesn't mean you must love doing it. Well, hate is such a strong word but you may not necessarily like doing it due to a horrible past experience, a new lifestyle, lack of interest or other reasons.
To get started:
- A group should be created with the participants willing to play.
- Two players will have to take turns to make it more fun.
In my opinion, some of the benefits of this game are:
- It may engage you in deep conversations with yourself and other players.
- You will know more about your family & friends.
- It will get you challenged mentally and emotionally.
- You'll know what people think about you.
- You'll discover or remember hidden/forgotten talents.
This is absolutely incredible