I asked a few people what they would do if they were to be famous for a day and I love all the responses I got. I could read through the answers and see how beautiful and
unique we all are. In my opinion, these responses are as a result of our thoughts, passions, desires, goals and environment.
See the answers below (one of which is mine😊):
1. Umm I would love the whole fact where I get to spend buy stuff without first reading the price tag and of course traveling to awesome places, somewhere close to the sea
, but I have always wanted to do something for Nigeria, people always complain about how horrible this country is and when they get a chance to leave and better themselves they never remember to change what they hated so much. I would use my fame to create opportunities, for example if I am famous for signing or writing I'd create avenues for others to get to where I am because I don't believe in holding the door closed when you reach the top.
2. Tell everyone Jesus loves them and sell all my ideas
3. I actually prefer to put it what would l do if l was influential in a day. Kenya my country to be precise. I would actually make sure that money(investments actually) is a compulsory subject in schools as at a young age. Same way we are taught religion (Christian Religious Education CRE & Islamic Religious Education IRE) from a tender age and we embrace it later as adults. Most of us know nothing or little about money/investments other than it as a commodity and later when we are adults we are expected to start saving up and keeping an emergency fund which becomes difficult. If this is taught in at a tender age l believe we shall have kids who are financially stable and not fear to take up huge investments risks. We shall also have children who know the importance of making their money work for them and not wait for their parents to die and inherit their wealth or even parents who will think that now they have educated(read invested on them) then the children are obliged to take care of them at old age.
Money is a weapon and whoever has it will rule you.
4. First of all give glory to God then I'll use my fame to make others actualize their goals and dreams. Tell young girls not to get distracted by their emotions and feelings, there’s plenty of time for that. I'll also enlighten people of the importance of speaking up when suffering physical, emotional and psychological abuse of any form. Lastly, I’d connect with other famous people who are passionate about making this world a better place.
I believe as time goes by, these answers may be modified when the need arises.
I pray we all have the opportunity to impact this world positively.
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