I finally decided to write about coronavirus and share some of my thoughts. First of all, these are the ways to protect yourself.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Wash your hands thoroughly
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
I’d also like to share these precautionary steps I thought of (I was giving the go ahead to write it here by a doctor
1. If you feel the need/have the means to take extra precautions please do.
2. Take the less busy routes.
3. Have disposable gloves in your bag incase you need to scratch your forehead or cheek (you know those weird moments a part of your face starts itching you) or if for some reasons you need to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
4. If you have children, let them know how to protect themselves and if they are too young to understand, don’t forget to look after them too.
5. Avoid crowded areas (as in the picture above).
6. If possible, find a new way to express yourself to people without touching them, this one is hard😩 (I saw this on the news).
7. Make a DIY face mask since it’s now scarce and extremely expensive in some places. There are many videos on YouTube and don’t forget to wash it thoroughly if you don’t make disposable face masks
8. Try not to be worried ( I’m also talking to myself).
9. Don’t forget to pray against the virus, those who are ill, those who’ve lost loved ones.
10. Don't let COVID-19 hysteria result in irrational/deadly decision making.
11. Don’t share cutleries.. I personally don’t think this is the time for love birds to use the same cutlery to eat 😔.
12. Don't spread fake news about coronavirus.
If anyone has any reasonable ideas that may HELP, please share.