These are productive ideas usually done part-time to generate passive income. However, you can choose to make it your full-time job, hobby or help others with
these skills.
The following ideas can be of benefit to those who need another stream of income, stay at home moms, students and job seekers.
- House hold items.
- Hair accessories.
- Fashion wears.
- Jewelries.
- Candles.
- Make up bags.
- Phone accessories.
- Stationeries.
- Costume designing.
- Stuffed toys.
- Knitting.
- Wig making.
- Key chains.
- Bags and clutches.
- Baby and maternity items.
- Children's books.
Or you can offer services by being a craft:
- Tutor and Consultant.
- Author.
- Blogger.
- Event planner/Agent.
- Coach.
- Vlogger.
For follow up discussion on these ideas, send an email to
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