I've finally found a balance between my 'me time' and getting things done around the
house/resting; listening to motivational podcasts. It's a little way I add joy and laughter to my day because some of the topics are hilarious. I've been listening to 'She thrives radio' and will share one of the episodes that was very inspiring to me.... boundaries
She spoke about what boundaries are and are not and went further to explain how to speak up for yourself without even announcing it is your boundary. Here are some important tips she shared about boundaries.
It involoves:
Setting a space for yourself
Respecting the wishes of others
Communicating your expectations in a respectful manner
Being fully committed to and comfortable with the boundaries your set
Knowing how to deal with people who try to make you go beyond your boundaries
Accepting that people may not fully respect your wishes
Having a healthier and better version of yourself
Boundaries may be long or short term depending on the reason for it in the first place and it is totally up to you to know what you want your boundaries to be. It shouldn't be set out of fear but rather to protect yourself from unnecessary stress and drama.
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