Skills are a set of abilities that set people on the part of success when utilized. The ability to recognize your unique skills and make it speak for you is a major step towards self realization,
accountability and responsibility.
There are various type of skills that people can learn and master, furthermore, you can be born with talents which may require nurturing.
Utilizing your skill(s) is important irrespective of your gender, employment status, age, mom status
( working or stay at home) and so on because there will be times your skills will be of significance in your life. These are some lucrative skills that can benefit you.
Photography: If you are interested in working as a Social Media Consultant, Photographer or want to take great pictures of memorable places for personal reasons, learning this skill can improve how you capture moments,what details are included in the photos, editing, photo tricks etc.. It can also be added to your CV if this applies to the job you are going for. As a blogger, it is imperative to have this skill and I keep improving on it every day.
Hand craft: This includes knitting, sewing, jewelry making, etc. This can be a side business as well if you master the craft and apply creativity to the business.
Public Speaking: This is considered a highly professional skill which most companies require. I believe public speaking is also very important to solopreneurs. The art of public speaking requires major confidence. A coaching client of mine once asked me how she can make public speaking her side hustle and my reply was:
- Know what you like to talk about,
- Think of how to make it marketable and relevant,
- Know and Understand your audience
- Implement a viable business strategy that can make you go viral and recognized (among other thing)
Writing: As a mom who works from home, Content Writing is what I do most of the time when I am not taking care of my family. Apart from being a blogger, you can write a book or if you are applying for a job that requires this skill, this can be included to your CV
Hair Dressing and Barbing: Again, this can be a side business or a major business when you own a salon. However, if you want to learn this skill for personal reasons like taking care of your children's hair, that will be fantastic . I still remember how my mom used to take care of my hair until I decided to start taking care of it myself whenever I don't feel like going to the salon.
Learning a Language: This can be an added advantage on your CV. For instance, in the UAE, if you are able to speak other languages like Arabic, French, Swahili it can increase your chances of being hired.
Makeup: This goes hand in hand with photography and fashion skills, learning how to do your own make up can save you a few bucks and learning how to be a professional makeup artist can be a good side business as well.
Baking: So many people love freshly baked cake, bread, pies. Developing this skill and expanding your ideas in this aspect can make you outstanding.
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