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Showing posts with the label Career

Causes of writer's block - and how to overcome it

                                            In all my years of blogging, 2021 has taught me to endure the 'excrutiating' writer's

Questions to ask yourself before working while on vacation

                                          One of the benefits of working from home is that you can work from "any home". A few months ago, when I arrived in Ghana and settled into my hotel room, as I casually checked my

Essential gadgets and tips for a simple home office

The idea of working from home has long been in existence before the impact of the pandemic. Recently, many employees and entrepreneurs prefer working from home to save costs and be

Fun ways to source content ideas

I am dedicating this post to content creators. Whenever I think of content creation, I remember all the funny and weird stories I have heard about

How to increase your client base

                                                                           During a zoom meeting, I was asked about how I got my coaching clients and what advice would I

My favorite blogs so far

                                             I'd like to share some of my all-time favourite blogs. Personally, I am inspired by their experiences and

10 Most used apps on my phone

                                                            I'm always grateful to be in this generation because of some amazing apps on my phone; I can sense

Common Mistakes University Students and New Graduates Make

                                              Hello, I am glad to announce to you that we have moved to another blog or should I say home :) Check

My career update

                                               There’s always this huge relief or sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving a goal. I

8 Questions to ask yourself before you quit your job

Over a hundred blog posts have stated why it's good to quit your toxic job. What's even more

The Importance of Creating a Healthy Work-Life Balance

  I'm so passionate about this topic because, for more than a year, I have been working from home for different firms as a content writer; so basically it's been convenient for me. Secondly, I have written about it a lot, so I get questions about how to work from home and what kind of jobs to do. So I'll share how I recently got another content writing job.

Can more leisure time cause less productivity?

  They say 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' but that statement has not been seen in the light of the reverse case 'all play and no work' which sounds absurd of course as we humans always try to

What you need to know before creating a blog during the global pandemic

  The pandemic has made quite a lot of people to source other means of income and business opportunities due to the alarming number of employees made redundant, small

WhatsApp marketing psychology

I had quite an interesting coaching session recently, we talked about a wide range of topics but

COVID-19: How to improve your career

This post was suggested to me based on how much changes we are constantly facing amidst

8 Productive activities you can do at home

Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe? I decided to share some

Various blog categories you might be interested in

Whenever I tell people about the various aspects of this blog, the usual reaction I get is a