Game: What are the things you are good at but hate doing April 04, 2020 This question was asked on The Real Daytime and I imagined how it would be if it were Enjoy reading
How to handle naysayers without losing yourself April 03, 2020 Just the thought of having a meaningful conversation with a pessimist makes me cringe Enjoy reading
Random isolation ideas April 02, 2020 Based on my observation, these are the ways most people are making good use of Enjoy reading
What's your take on this? April 01, 2020 I wanna share what I witnessed a few months ago and how I analyzed the experience. At one of the stops in Dubai Metro Station, a man came in briefly to ask where Enjoy reading
Game: Never Have I Ever March 30, 2020 I played this interesting and fun game on Instagram recently. I guess it has become Enjoy reading
Psychological implication of COVID-19 March 29, 2020 Whenever I try to blog like everything is normal, I always feel a certain way. My heart Enjoy reading
Various blog categories you might be interested in March 28, 2020 Whenever I tell people about the various aspects of this blog, the usual reaction I get is a Enjoy reading