When you finally realize that thing you knew might be missing from your bag is actually not with you, it could leave you confused, frustrated and maybe angry. I still remember when I needed to be somewhere and I left something so important at home but I now have a way around planning my outing ahead of time which gives me so much joy and peace knowing that I am not leaving anything behind. This is how I get ready
Make a List
I shared a list of the things in my baby's back HERE a while ago. I always go through the list several times before I leave the house to make sure I am not leaving anything at home.
Get Ready Early
I prepare to leave the house about three hours ahead of time because a lot could happen within those hours that you won't expect. Also, I hate rushing, it gives me anxiety so I prefer taking me time to get ready so I wont need to leave the house in a bad state.
Pick your Outfit Early
My outfit is usually chosen a night before or couple of hours before heading out. I get it ready so I wont have to fit it into my 3 hours of preparation. There was a time I chose a random outfit while rushing out and it made me uncomfortable because I had this dress before I got pregnant so I thought it will be my size but it was a bit tight.
Google the Place
If you are going to a new place, I will suggest you check out the place online if possible to know what to expect like the weather, the kind of services they render, if it will be suitable for newborns etc
Pack some Snacks
You can never tell when hunger will kick in. For me, I get hungry when stressed (sometimes) so I always have a snack in my bag.
Expect the Unexpected
Things may actually not go according to plan but this should not get you stressed because you need to be strong for your baby. If possible, get a place to calm down and think of how to get out of the situation.
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