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How to relate with a narcissist

This is one of the suggested topics I received. I’m happy to write about it because of my passion for knowing why people act the way they do. A narcissist is

Tips for Managing Mood Swings

As people say 'a mindset shift results in a behavioral change', I know what it's like to experience mood changes and have no idea why it happened. What exactly can we say

What makes you conceal an aspect of your identity?

There are numerous reasons people choose to hide an aspect of who they are as some hidden identities may be more ambiguous than others. Based on research, not

What Would You Do If You Were Famous For A Day?

I asked a few people what they would do if they were to be famous for a day and I love all the responses I got. I could read through the answers and see how beautiful and

Craft Business Ideas (Products and Services)

These are productive ideas usually done part-time to generate passive income. However, you can choose to make it your full-time job, hobby or help others with

Lesson of the Day

The passage of the bible I studied recently was 2 King chapter 20 which has many vital

Dear February.....

I don’t even know where to begin but you were truly a month of love! I recall when I