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Free Photo Editors for Beginners

There are various free apps that can improve the quality of the pictures you take for

My blogging journey

When I started blogging in 2015, my major focus was on hair;

Truth Thursday

Hi guys, Today's truth Thursday is on my eating habit and how I intend to work on it. I've always had a very poor eating habit for a while. Guess it's been this way since I

Question of the Day

(Translated) Hi Grace, I would love to be a blogger or a writer but I’m not a native

Creative Black and White Photography Tips

Black and white photography is an ancient type of photography and in my opinion will

When I don't blog...

The posts you see on blogs are a combination of various creative ideas. I don’t publish

Uplifting Words of Encouragement for Moms

There are days that all we need to hear are words of encouragement and once we hear them, it will