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Get inspired by Hauwa's natural hair

I like to see ladies who know how to rock their natural hair, maintain it and know the right advice to give other ladies who want to start their natural hair journey. This beautiful lady gracing my blog is pleased to share exclusive details of her natural hair and also has a very good advice for y'all *winks*

Fish bone braids

As requested by a blog reader

My natural looking weave

As you all know, i cut my hair about 6 weeks ago and i did yarn braids after cutting it. Three days ago, I installed a natural looking weave and when i was done, my friend dint believe it was not my hair LOL. See the before (the cut version) and after (weave version) of my hair below. If you want to

Beautiful grey braids

As requested by a blog reader

A very inexpensive hair growth therapy you need to see

So I was having a conversation yesterday with a friend of mine on her hair growth and her therapy got me shocked. 'The onion juice therapy'. I don't know how many of you know about this and i don't know why I am just hearing about this. Anyway, I did a little research on it and the positive

Perfect hair styles for Men with thin hair

These styles are perfect for thin hair because it gives the hair a fuller look. The trick (if you do not want to undergo hair therapy for fuller hair) is to make it look spiky or a little scattered. Laying the hair flat will draw so much attention to its thin nature. More pictures below

AHM hat for guys

Hi guys, this hat that was once plain can also be worn by guys not just the ladies :). I added a little beauty to the plain hat with some African fabrics. More pictures below