Online tutoring is considerably the most effective method of sharing vital information and
knowledge with a variety of people in different geographical locations. It is one of the easiest ways of being accountable for your time and earn money from the knowledge you share. Not only is it of advantage to tutors, students can conveniently learn from the comfort of their homes at their pace and sometimes get a certificate for the course they take.
There are various platforms for tutors to share their knowledge on, for instance, Social Media sites like YouTube, Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups and Instagram (I’ll write on this in a future post), Legitimate tutoring sites and websites for online courses.
The courses that can be taught online are unlimited. Here are some examples that can be expanded on according to your field, passion and experience:
- Languages
- Music
- Academic/Career Courses
- Skills Training Courses
- Emotional/Psychological related Courses
- Fitness Training Courses
- Fashion and Beauty courses
In conclusion, being an online tutor give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and experience with a wide range of audience, have other streams of income, have a side hustle and bridge the gap in your career.
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