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Things to Know Before Visiting a New Mom

I have been asked a couple of times about this and I feel it is important to put it out there not just because I’m a new mom but I learnt some of these things when I visited
other new moms (before I had my baby). To be honest, it’s better to have an idea of what is expected.

Come Clean: If possible, it’s better to visit before going about what you need to do for the day than to come sweaty, even if you are not carrying the baby. 

Don't go when you feel sick: Please don't, I don't know how best to put this because yes I know you care but be kind enough to recover first before going to see the family not just for the baby's sake but for those also around.

Bring a gift: Although I read it is nice to bring a gift along with you on a website, it is not a must. In my opinion, it is polite to show up with a gift because it shows you care and to be honest, in my experience with guests, it made me feel they cared, however it is totally up to you.

Get permission before carrying the baby: Please, don’t dive right into getting the baby from the loving arms of the mom. Make sure you ask if you can hold the baby, however if she doesn’t want to allow you carry her child, respect her wishes. If she does, wash your hands first.

Help out: Regardless of the delivery method, you can help out around the house either by heating up her food, getting some groceries, folding the clothes with her permission of course. She might ask you to hold the baby while she does some of work so don’t feel offended, she needs all the help she can possibly get.

Call first before visiting: There will be so many unscheduled things happening in the house, my advice is to call first to know when will be convenient for them. Showing up unannounced might make things a bit awkward.

The birth story: They might want to keep the details to themselves so don’t feel bad if they don’t dive right into giving you all the gist about how it went down. However, if u feel you want to ask, do so politely.

Give suggestions wisely: Don’t go into the judging mood by asking why they are not doing this or that. It will make the parents feel uncomfortable because you don’t know what’s going on for instance, why the baby looks that way, why she’s not breastfeeding, why she looks so fat, why things don’t look right to you. If u notice anything, don’t ask if a reckless manner.

Keep some opinions to yourself: Especially if it has to do with her weight, the baby things they have, how they can afford certain things. Don’t worry, let your mind do the wondering. Remember why you are there, to celebrate the birth of a new life.

The picture rule: Oh the baby is such a cutie! But please ask if you could take a picture (if you are close to either of the parents) don’t just take random photos without the permission of the parents. 

Don't spend all day visiting, know when it is time to leave


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