Hi ladies,
So from my previous post HERE you all can see that texlaxed hair is not bad after all. Don't get me wrong, I really admire ladies that keep their natural hair. I tried it once, but I just could not deal with the texture. It is just like saying you wanna keep your natural hair; why don't you leave your brows untouched and wear no makeup to look entirely natural. I am saying this because many ladies get bashed for adding chemicals to their hair, and it should not be; it is a choice. Ladies, let's be real here keeping natural hair does not have anything to do with your values or personality; it is a choice, and i think it is time to start respecting people's choices. I have got a lot of comments like you are African, you should blog about natural hair... er hello, I love what I do to my hair, and it makes me happy... if I decide not to texlax my hair anymore, guess what, it is still my choice. It all depends on how you maintain your texlaxed hair.
Relaxing your hair could actually do a bit of harm than good hence the new era of texlaxing.
So, in summary, Ladies, if you wanna go natural, be proud to wear your crown. if you want to keep texlaxed hair... be proud of your sleek edges. if your hair keeps breaking or it causes damage to your hair, and you want to transit, do it proudly, but don't go about saying people who add chemicals to their hair have poor values
Thank you.
This will be helpful.
What is Texlaxing?
Texlaxing is when you under-process the hair with a relaxer, then your hair becomes straighter than natural hair but more textured than relaxed hair.
A texlax is almost the same as a texturizer, but a texlax makes the hair's curl pattern looser than a texturizer does. When you texlax your hair, you use a relaxer, and when you texturise your hair, you use a texturizer. A texturizer is a mild form of a relaxer.
- Does not fully break down the hair proteins, so the hair is not entirely weakened by the chemicals in the relaxer.
- Does not fully break down the hair proteins, so the hair is not entirely weakened by the chemicals in the relaxer.
- By texlaxing the hair, it still maintains its (natural) volume.
- You experience a bit of both worlds because, with texlaxed hair, you're in the middle of natural hair (the volume and texture) and relaxed hair (hair is straighter than natural hair).
- It is easier to transition from texlaxed hair to natural hair.
- Texlaxed hair is more sensitive on the demarcation line (where the texlaxed hair meets the natural hair). So to prevent breakage, always keep your hair moisturised, paying close attention to that area, and do protective styles.
- It takes longer time to detangle. And by long, I really mean loooooong.
Tips on How to Texlax Hair
- Base your hair with oils before applying the relaxer.
- Use mild relaxers or no-lye relaxers. No-lye relaxers are slower to break down the protein bonds in the hair.
- Leave the relaxer on your hair for a shorter time (20min, starting from when you start applying the relaxer to the hair).
- Dilute your relaxer with oils or a conditioner. Add ¼ cup of oil/conditioner to the relaxer.
Relaxing (Completely straightening the hair using chemicals)
- It is easier to handle relaxed hair because it is entirely straight. (PS: Easier to handle, not necessarily easier to take care of).
- It is easier to detangle.
- It is easier to handle relaxed hair because it is entirely straight. (PS: Easier to handle, not necessarily easier to take care of).
- It is easier to detangle.
- Fully breaks down hair proteins.
- It is more challenging to transition from relaxed hair to natural hair.
see more HERE
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